Owl carousel 1.3.2 margin
Owl carousel 1.3.2 margin

See demo with custom JSON structure here.Īdd "active" classes on visible items. Success callback for $.getJSON build in into carousel. To use custom JSON structure see jsonSuccess option. The JSON structure you use needs to match the owl JSON structure used here. Use it only for one item per page setting.Īllows you to load directly from a jSon file. It is a sub setting of the lazy load function.Īdd height to owl-wrapper-outer so you can use diffrent heights on slides. If set to false, all images get loaded when pagination used. It only loads the images that get displayed in viewport. When pagination used, it skips loading the images from pages that got skipped. IMG need special markup class="lazyOwl" and data-src="your img path". Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings. Images outside of viewport won't be loaded before user scrolls to them. Change it to match your own themeĭelays loading of images. Best not to change it if you don't need to.ĭefault Owl CSS styles for navigation and buttons. Owl will change only if ".owl-demo" get new width.Īutomaticly added class for base CSS styles. You can use any other jQuery element to check width changes for example ".owl-demo". Owl Carousel check window for browser width changes. You can use Owl Carousel on desktop-only websites too! Just change that to "false" to disable resposive capabilitiesĬheck window width changes every 200ms for responsive actions Use rewindSpeed to change animation speed. To get empty buttons use navigationText : false. You can cusomize your own text for navigation. If you set autoPlay: true default speed will be 5 seconds. Check my Custom DemoĬhange to any integrer for example autoPlay : 5000 to play every 5 seconds. For example means that if(window<=1199)Īlternatively use itemsDesktop: false to override these settings. The format is whereby x=browser width and y=number of slides displayed. This allows you to preset the number of slides visible with a particular browser width. This variable allows you to set the maximum amount of items displayed at a time with the widest browser width Now call the Owl initializer function and your carousel is ready.Īll of the options below are available to customize Owl Carousel. Class "owl-carousel" is mandatory to apply proper styles that come from file. All you need is to wrap your divs(owl works with any type element) inside the container element. To use Owl Carousel, you’ll need to make sure both the Owl and jQuery 1.7 or higher scripts are included. Load jQuery and include Owl Carousel plugin files

Owl carousel 1.3.2 margin